University Lakerun

Lakes, Beers and strong oppinions

Yesterday I went to see the annual lakerun arranged by the medical students. The scoop here is that they got Wulff and Dolph from the tv show Wulffmorgenthaler to do the announcing and commenting on the runs. This was apparently the first time Dolph had been out meeting people in a real life situation prova denna webbsida.

The runs (Witch basically is a beer run (Run to the bottle of beer, drink it, spin 10 times around it, run back and tag with the next one in your team) with a bit of an obstacle: A small lake) was won by the arrangers for the I don’t know how many years in succesion .

My pictures and videos are available at the gallery.

All howtos moved to the latest setup

Pretty easy, as I just used the rendered HTML from my XML files.

But needles to say, my favorite editor is still going to be doing most of the work. Editing HTML (even with the helping “quicktags” buttons in WP) is not funny in an textarea tadalafil prices.

The old setup is still available at Check the source out with subversion if you want to have a look at it.

Most bloggy newspaper

Here is how to gauge the popularity and reach of online newspapers. Ethan Zuckerman of Global Voices has used the same methods that determine the popularity of blogs on online newspapers.

HereÂ’s how you calculate this metric:

  1. Search Technorati to determine the number of links that include the paperÂ’s URL. For example, I just did a Technorati search for links to the Indianapolis Star site (search string: The result: 1305 links from 942 sources.
  2. Get the paperÂ’s peak daily circulation from the Audit Bureau of Circulations. (Figures for the 100 largest U.S. papers are online.) For the Star, estimated daily circulation is: 358,261.
  3. Divide the circulation estimate by 1,000. For the Star, that yields 358.261.
  4. To calculate LkpC, divide the numbers of inbound links (step 1) by 1/1000 of the daily circulation (step 3). For the Star, this means 1,305 / 358.261 = 3.64

The bloggiest newspapers Ethan Zuckerman found were:

Christian Science Monitor – 134.90
New York Times – 63.08
Washington Post – 58.44
San Francisco Chronicle – 38.32
Boston Globe – 29.80
Seattle Post Intelligencer – 18.56
New York Post – 12.48
LA Times – 11.21

Site changed – yet again

This time we are going in an bit of a different direction.

1st of all this should still be valid XHTML and CSS!

But we are changing the language to (mostly) english, and let others do the dirty work of keeping the code clean.
Instead we are focuing on keeping the content a bit more updated.

Site ændret – igen

Det er stadig ikke vildt synligt (når man ser bort fra at mit site er syneligt igen), men det hele er lavet om til at køre med XML. Der er bakset en DTD, et XSLT, og det hele bliver transformeret vha mod-xslt.

AxKit viste sig at være en kræsen sag mht. perl moduler med mere, så det holdte ikke længe. Men siden AxKit ikke lavede andet end at transformere XML viser mod-xslt sig, at være et smart valg. Bl.a. pga at Apache er blevet opgraderet til version 2.

Windows – Blåt stempel til sikkerheden

Der var måske en del, der læste den artikel i CW, hvor der stod beskrevet at Windows 2000 har fået et blåt stempel for sikkerheden. Jonathan S. Shapiro, Ph.D. fra Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute har forsøgt at forklare hvad det betyder:

“In the case of CAPP, an EAL4 evaluation tells you everything you need to know. It tells you that Microsoft spent millions of dollars producing documentation that shows that Windows 2000 meets an inadequate set of requirements, and that you can have reasonably strong confidence that this is the case.”