New Mac mini (Intel based) – Macs now running windows

The last experiment with getting a Mac worked out just fine. And then 2 weeks ago the company I work at found out that we needed a Mac, so the supporters was able to actually look at a Mac and be able to assist our customers running OS X with their needs. So I got an oppotunity to sell my “old” Mac mini G4.

So fast forward to yesterday: My new Mac arrived. 220MB downloads later (Turns out OS X 10.4.6 was released same day) I was up and running. A quick restore of my files from my external Iomega firewire drive to /Users and creation of a new user with my usual username (OS X asked if I wanted to “reattach” the files I had just restored – Which is basicaly a chmod to get the permissons right), and I was back where I left off. Things going a lot faster though.

Today Apple released a press announcement about Boot Camp. A bit of a surprise, as it was not excatly something I saw coming, considering Steve’s latest interviews and tradeshow talks.

But here it is, and it is working just fine too. A few screenshots from windows:

Taks manager showing off the Core Duo processors:

Win mini task manager

Selection of startup disk – Not unlike the OS X program for the same job:

Select startup disk

How windows see the devices on the mini:

How windows sees the devices on the mini

Only a few devices does not show up as working. Apple says it is the remote control – And I frankly do not have any idea what that should be doing in windows, with the apparent lack of Frontrow.

Apple say that Boot Camp is going final along with OS X 10.5 (Aka Leopard).

What I would really like to know though: Is it ok to ignore the parts in the manual specifying what to install, and install something more interesting than Windows XP Pro SP2?


It seems that some crafty people have managed to do the tricks and boot multiple OSs

Mad kanon

Der har været en del snak om en såkaldt Kultur Kanon, hvor en flok mere eller mindre kendte folk fra det danske kulturliv fik til opgave at finde de bedste kultur værker i forskellige kategorier, der er lavet i danmark igennem tiderne.

Et par af mine fætrer sammensatte den 23/8-2003 en mad kanon – Samme formål: Find de bedste danske retter.

  1. Gule ærter med pølse og flæsk
  2. Forloren hare
  3. Forloren skildpadde med kødboller, fiskeboller og små frikadeller
  4. Klar suppe med kød- og melboller og grøntsager
  5. And (Helstegt)
  6. Høns i asparges med butterdejssnitter/tarteletter
  7. Oksesteg med små løg (Sukker stegte)
  8. Hamburgerryg m. brunede kartofler og grøn spinat
  9. Vikingbøf
  10. Kogt torsk med senneps sovs
  11. Det kolde bord m. lune retter (ribbenssteg, tarteletter)
  12. Oksekød i sur/sød sovs eller kavlefrikassé
  13. Kogt oksebryst med pebberodssauce
  14. Stegt kylling (gryde eller ovn) med agurkesalat
  15. Culottesteg med bernaise
  16. Nøgleben (Stegte) med tilhørende sovs og kogte kartofler
  17. Flæskesteg
  18. Lammekøller med flødekartofler
  19. Medister med rødkål
  20. Wienerschnitzel
  21. Steget flæsk med persillesovs
  22. Skinke med løgsovs
  23. Hvidkålsruletter
  24. Kalkun (fyldt)
  25. Ovnstegt laks med hollandaisesauce
  26. Skipperlabeskobes
  27. Gullash med enten kartoffelmos eller alm. kartofler
  28. Engelsk bøf
  29. Bøf-bernaise
  30. Dansk bøf
  31. Frikadeller med persillesovs eller kartoffelsalat
  32. Fransk bøf
  33. Karbonader
  34. Koteletter
  35. Stroganoff med kartoffelmos
  36. Stegte ål
  37. Brændende kærlighed
  38. Sennepsmørbrad
  39. Hummer (Absolut minimum: 1kg pr. mand)
  40. Fiskefrikadeller
  41. Benløse fugle
  42. Biksemad med spejleæg
  43. Pølser med varm kartoffelsalat
  44. Røget makrel med persillesovs
  45. Mørbradbøf
  46. Boller i karry med ris
  47. Helstegt rødspætte med citronsovs/persillesovs
  48. Kartoffelsuppe
  49. Stegt bacon med stuvede kartofler

Der blev også lavet en tilsvarende liste med desserter

  1. Pandekager med is (hjemmelavet, begge dele)
  2. Mandelrand med is (hjemmelavet) og årstidens frugter
  3. Jordbærgrød
  4. Rødgrød med fløde
  5. Æblekage
  6. Citronfromage
  7. Trifli
  8. Frugter med råcreme
  9. Appelsindessert
  10. Forårslagkage med enten kaffecreme eller frosne hindbær
  11. Karamelrand med nougatis og karamelflødeskum
  12. Brændte figner i cognac med flødeskum eller is
  13. Ris á l’amande med kirsebærsovs
  14. Hjemmelavet is med chokoladesovs
  15. Mandelbudding med kirsebærsovs
  16. Årstidens bær (jordbær, hindbær osv) med mælk, sukker og fløde
  17. Stikkelsbærgrød med fløde
  18. Frugtsalat
  19. Koldskål med kammerjunkere
  20. Rabarber- suppe/grød
  21. Æblesuppe
  22. Æblegrød

Jeg kan kun være enig

Old picture

At “Onsdagsmam”, my aunt offered my a copy of some an picture she found and had made replicas of. For your viewing pleasure I have scanned it.

Old picture

Featuring (From left to right): Me, my grandmother holding my sister Charlotte and my cusin Karen Marie. The picture is taken in front of my grandmothers summer house, now owned by Charlotte. My guess would be that it is taken sometime durring the summer of 1977 or 1978.

Got myself a new bicycle

Well… Not quiet yet actualy, but I went to one of the [many] local bicycle store to look for one today.

What I ended up with was this baby, which I am going to pick up tomorrow.


The manufacturer MBK has all the specs. I’m getting it fitted with tire and chain fenders and a lock to boot.

It’s going to be interesting to be riding something with considerably less than 95HPs, but as winter seems to be unwilling to go away this will have to do until there are 5+ centigrades…

Soekris 4801 PXE boot installation

After half a weekend at LinuxForum 2006 I retuned with a Soekris Engineering net4801 witch I got from Wim Vandeputte, who runs

Soekris 4801-50

Now the challange was: How to install something on it. The solution was at Ultradesic site. They got a very through HOWTO on how to install most *BSDs (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and miniBSD) and some Linux distros on this SBC.

Worth checking out if you either have a Soekris 4801 or are considering to get one.


Just arrived home from a concert with I Am Bones we have arrived at the conclusion: They rock!The I Am Bones concert was followed up by LARSEN AND FURIOUS JANE – And they suck, except for one (1) riff and their go-go girl. Get a head shave and a bigger guitar dudes!The goood thing about Johannes’n’friends live must also be the extended use of rock’n’roll guitars – There’s a lot more of it live than on the album (Although the album is still highly recommendable).

Just arrived home from a concert with I Am Bones. We have arrived at the conclusion: They rock!

Johannes and Morten

The I Am Bones concert was followed up by Larsen and Furious Jane – And they suck, except for one (1!) riff and their go-go girl. Get a head shave and soem bigger guitars, dudes!

The goood thing about Johannes’n’friends live performanvce, must be the extended use of rock’n’roll guitars – There’s a lot more of it live than on the album (Although the album is still highly recommendable). I got a copy at the concert – even though I got the MP3’s!!!!!11 :)

You can listen to a track on, and another track is available on the record companys website: Morningside Records.

A few pictures are online at the gallery


Diana, the wife for my friend Niels, has taken over, in her project to sell stofblomster (Or flowers made by cloth).

Diana, the wife of my friend Niels, has taken over, in her project to sell stofblomster (Or flowers made by cloth). Appart from the flowers, the most impressive must be that this is her first website, and it was made in a few days. Nice going, there.

New Mozilla Firefox out

I’ve must have been sleeping, because important thing have gone by without me noticing it.

I’ve must have been sleeping, because important things have gone by without me noticing it.

I’m talking about the new Mozilla Firefox 1.5 which hit the streets yesterday. And the fact they moved the distribution of Firefox and Thunderbird to instead of the .org site where we – by now – are used to get the best browser currently available.

Go get it while it’s fresh:

Then, if you are on a Mac, go check out the theme at The Firefox 1.5 release is more Mac friendly – This also makes it look Mac like.