Update: Just to follow a bit up on this one, a year and a half later: Yes, I became a dad.
His name is Linus, and he got his own blog.
Author: Hilli
iPhone blog tool
WordPress Inc has released a blogging tool specific for the iPhone running version 2.0. If you can read this it works ;-)
Dagens trafikspørgsmål
Spørgsmålet er i al sin enkelthed:
Du kommer kørende på den indre ringgade i Århus. Du ser et indfletningsskilt noget længere fremme, hvor de 2 baner bliver til én. Hvad gør du:
- Nu du har opdaget skiltet langt fremme og du skynder dig derfor at trække ind i den vognbane, der jo kan komme forbi forhindingen om de 250 meter og et lyskryds, så du ikke skal til det senere site internet. Du ser det ikke som noget problem at den vognbane du trækker over i er besat af trafikanter der ikke forventede den handling og de bliver nød til at holde tilbage mens du møver ind. Du skaber derved en lang kø i den vognbane du er trukket over i (som jo ikke er dit problem – du er jo forholdsvist langt fremme) og lader ellers god asfalt gå til spilde.
- Du venter med at lave en sammenfletning til det er nødvendigt og udnytter dermed den ellers sparsomme mængde Ringgade bedst muligt og opnår en mere flydende trafik.
Spørgsmålet er enkelt, men svaret er åbenbart supersvært at svare korrekt på :-(
/mode +uncle Hilli
Yes, thats right – My greater family has increased in numbers! My sister Charlotte has eaten a bit of rugbrød, and therefor gotten pregnant (her own explanation click…).
Lejlighed til salg
Da jeg flytter sammen med kæresten har jeg sat min lejlighed til salg.
Den er måske ikke så stor i m² men den er ret velindrettet med hems, som fjerner behovet for et separat soveværelse.
Kom med et bud…
Motorcykel til salg
Jeg har min gamle motorcykel til salg. Check annoncen på Gul Og Gratis
12/6 – 2007: Den er solgt…
Bike recovered again
Today I went with Brix to the place again, and we found the bike – 1,5 meters down the hill from the elevated road. A lot of pulling an pushing and some sweat later and we got the 200kg back on the road for some damage assesment before Falck (Road service) was there.
As far as I can judge it need to have replaced the following parts:
- Handlebars
- Front suspension
- Front wheel
- Front fairing
- Front break disc
- Ignition (As its totally gone)
- Holder for ignition
- Lower body fairing
- Some parts of the rear fairing
- Travelbags holders
- Parts of the electrical system
- Bit of side fairing below the seat
- Maybe exhaust too, but I could not judge if it was dirt or scratches on it
Picture of the bike recovery at the usual location.
Bike stolen
Some bastards have left the place, with my Fazer in the boot of their truck (Or so I think it went down).
The matter of fact is that it is gone without a trace. Arriving home from work wednesday, looking forward to a trip to Mols, I found that the bike was no where near the place I had parked it the day before. I went around the block to have a look at the places where I would otherwise park (In case that alzenheimers had kicked in) but it was not to be seen. The restaurant below, where I parked in front of, told me that they had seen me park at the spot I expected, so no alzenheimers for me (pew ;), but it also confirmed that it was stolen.
I called the Police to check with them – They had nothing on it, so since it wasn’t them, I reported it stolen. Got a reciept for that friday, so I called my insurance company to tell them. The woman in the other end came with a slight sigh and said something about reporting motorcycles being stolen very popular at the time. That only confirmed my theory about the heist. So I do not have any expectations of seeing that again, unfortunately. If I had known it would have been a sentimental goodbye for the 30K+ KM we have had together over the last 3 years.
Last known good picture of the Fazer (10/7-2006)
Now it is only to wait and see… The police have a month to recover the bike again before the insurance company has to pay up. Unfortunately there is a 20% self insurance on theft, so I hope that they pay good bucks for it in the first place.
It’s not all bad though… I am now in the marked to get a new bike, and I have got my eyes set on a BMW R 1200 GS Adventure. It is a bit of a different thing compared to the Fazer, but I have allways been fasinated by BIG Enduros and they don’t get any bigger than this. 1170cc flat twin boxer engine with lots of pull, 33 liters fuel tank, ABS.. The list goes on.
BMW R 1200 GS Adventure in action
I am not without a bike now though, as Hans Henrik was kind enough to offer me to borrow his Virago. Thanks mate!
Best Eurovision Song Contest – ever!
I don’t belive that I have enjoyed a Eurovision Song Contest like the one today since… Well… Ever!
I remember watching and probably enjoying it as a kid – Probably cheering for Denmark. Not because it was the best song, but just because I am danish.
Today was different. Finland stepped out of the line of countries providing an endless stream of more or less horrible pop songs and showed up at the Eurovision with Lordi.
Not surprisingly they are inspired by the glamour rock guys from KISS (You know: Gene Simmons and crew).
So if this wasn’t a pop Waterloo…
SønderjyskE vinder DM i Ishockey
Hvorfor nu denne interesse fra min side i sport?
Det er ene og alene pga jeg rent faktisk har mødt en af spillerne på årets guldhold, Brian Greer, i og med at han er en af søstrenes ekskærester.
Så tillykke til dig, Greerzy.
Brian kom også pÅ årets All Star hold:
Hvad han så ikke slipper for, er at jeg ligger disse gamle billeder fra Bracknell Bees hjemmeside i 2000 (Brians gamle klub) op også.. :)
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